Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Barriers to Learning Technology

In my medical-legal psychiatric practice, I am developing a medical services organization (MSO) to assist doctors with their administrative tasks involved in conducting their own medical-legal evaluations.  I am implementing the latest technologies, as much as I am able.  Implementation of those technologies has been sluggish.  However, I have simply redoubled my efforts, allowed for a longer time-line, and have developed additional strategies in order to implement the technologies successfully. 

I have found people to be impatient, including myself.  They have not believed that I would be able to apply and utilize the technology in the manner that I have expressed. 

Others have resisted moving forward as evidenced by sighing, asking questions without trying, delaying. I have found people misunderstood what I am intending to do with the technologies. 

Keller (1984) as described by Driscoll (2005) listed four circumstances that need to be present in order for a person to learn with motivation; namely, attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. 

To improve others’ motivation to learn about and implement my proposed technologies, I can implement Keller’s philosophies.

First, I will grab their attention, perhaps by showing them how the technology is going to be fun and interesting.   

Then, I can demonstrate how the technology is relevant to their job, and how it will make their job easier.  I can share about the vision of how everyone and everything are going to coordinate more effectively with the proposed technology.

Third, I can give them guidance so that they experience success using the technology, which will build their confidence.

Finally, I will encourage their satisfaction through rapid feedback with their accomplishments!


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.).Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.


  1. Andrea,

    Your ideas of how to engage your audience in learning new technologies are great and I plan to use some of these techniques with my students.


  2. Andrea,
    Your comment "Others have resisted moving forward as evidenced by sighing, asking questions without trying, delaying. I have found people misunderstood what I am intending to do with the technologies." is spot on! Why do some teachers have to be so incredibly frustrating when technology is concerned? The one that bothers me the most is when they complain WITHOUT even trying it. Grrrr! If they only understood that, as long as it is working, technology can make teaching and grading sooooo much easier!


  3. Hello Andrea
    I understand your frustrations; one of the biggest challenge is teaching doctors to change how they used technology. Even though, the medical field had developed technology to cure illness. For some, their technology skills are in the initial stage; less than a middle school student. You are in the right track; they need to learn by examples and the information given in small activities.
    Jeanette Delgado
