Friday, June 9, 2017

Module 1 Assignment 1:  Blog Post on Identifying an Emerged Technology
Educ 8342

Futurist Thornburg, D. (2013) uncovered many examples of current and upcoming transformations in educational technology.  His archetypal paper discussed the evolving history of the various technologies, anchoring those examples to references of current research.  Following the typecast of Thorburg, this blog post considers another case illustration of a technology used in education which is undergoing a transformation.  Specifically, the next generation of Learning Management Systems is underway.  First, membership in traditional LMS systems are stagnant and declining.  There is much evidence demonstrating that LMS systems as we know them are losing traction.  Emelo (2014) in his blog, “River, Do More With Mentoring” can be found here: .  The writer cites a Brandon Hall Group survey in which about half of respondents of organizations want to change their LMS.  Similar references are commonplace on the Internet.  I invite the reader to see Cho’s (2015) descriptions of Blackboard’s attempt to adapt to needs of the major universities:  The Washington Post got in on the Blackboard slam, check out this post:  Second, it is recognized that the traditional LMS fails to deliver the types of services that administrators and learners want as evidenced by failure to use the LMS outside of the classroom necessity.  Pearson is exiting the field of Learning Management Systems.  As the reason for the exit, Craig’s (2015) boasted, “The Decline and Fall of the Learning Management System.”  The article notes accurately that users are going digital mobile.  It is not enough for an LMS to merely be accessible by the mobile device because the very way of learning is changing.  The Pearson article can be found here:  Third, the employed pedagogy of the traditional LMS is inconsistent with the latest understanding of how learners want to learn (Tracey, 2016).  The new LMS, on the other hand, self-selects for flexible cognitive styles and self-learning modalities (Yuan & Liu, 2011). 
The fourth reason that I will discuss as to why the LMS as we know it is on the way out is that these outdated systems do not deliver the services needed by the users because the platforms are inadequately designed for the emerging digital, mobile user. For example, the new LMS systems need not only accommodate learners savvy of learning by way of their learning style via personalized learning, but the new LMS systems need to incorporate dashboards of sophisticated learning analytics.  The Brandon Hall Group indicated that organizations want their LMS to have skills to integrate (Gurunath & Kumar, 2015).  Brown et al. (2015) provided a wonderful summary article of the future of the digital learning environment that we are emerging into.
In the meantime, while we wait for the new LMS emerging technology to take a firm grasp, I see that various ad lib systems are springing up to meet needs.  A couple LMS options that are popping up to replace the outdated LMS systems include  Google Sites and Social Networking Sites (Pilli, 2014).  Zhuang (2017) takes a look at some of these emerging technologies in the context of higher education and e-learning. Brown et al. (2015) discussed in detail what the LMS 3.0 will be incorporating.  For myself, I like Google Sites because, as Whatonearth14 explained in his blog, Google Sites may be used in many ways that traditional LMS.  His blog can be found here: Since that post, Google Sites has updated from that platform, which they call “Classic Sites,” to the New Sites – and it is more flexible and robust. 

Bogage, J. (2015, August 22).  Blackboard Loses High-profile Clients.  Retrieved June 9, 2017
Brown, M., Dehoney, J., & Millichap, N. (2015). The next generation digital learning
            environment. A Report on Research. ELI Paper. Louisville, CO: Educause April.
Cho, E. (2015, October 08). Blackboard Usership Steadily Declines. Retrieved June 09, 2017,
            from, R. (2014,
            February 18). SOFTWARE. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
Craig, R. (2015, November 19).  The Decline and Fall of the Learning Management System. 
Google Sites LMS: everything in one place. (2014, June 23). Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
Gurunath, R., & Kumar, R. A. (2015). SAAS EXPLOSION LEADING TO A NEW PHASE OF
            A LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. International Journal of Current Research
            and Review, 7(22), 62.
Pilli, O. (2014). LMS Vs. SNS: Can Social Networking Sites Act as a Learning Management
            Systems. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 4(5), 90-97.
Thornburg, D. (2013). Current Trends in Educational Technology. Licensed via Creative
 Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Tracey, M. W. (2016). 14 How I Gave Up ADDIE for Design Thinking, and So Did My
            Students. Studio Teaching in Higher Education: Selected Design Cases, 195.
Yuan, X., & Liu, J. (2011, November). An exploratory study of the effect of cognitive styles on
user performance in an information system. In 5th Workshop on Human-Computer
Interaction and Information Retrieval. Retrieved (Vol. 22).
Zhuang, Y., Ma, H., Xie, H., Leung, A. C. M., Hancke, G. P., & Wang, F. L. (2016, October).
            When innovation meets evolution: an extensive study of emerging e-Learning
            technologies for higher education in Hong Kong. In International Symposium on \ Emerging Technologies for Education (pp. 574-584). Springer, Cham.

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